Established in 2013, Powerful Ladies of Trinidad and Tobago (PLOTT) is a network of concerned women established to support and empower each other and the future generation across career, professional and business development endeavours. As an advocate for the underserved, PLOTT fosters and encourages a culture of inclusion, diversity and equity as we include members from all industries and sectors of the local and regional landscape.

How PLOTT Can Help You

A business and social network of professional women locally, with linkages abroad

Established to create a safe and organic safe space for women to engage and interact with each other

Discounts at various PLOTT owned businesses and Affiliate organisations

PLOTTers also enjoy preferential prices and discounts from a wide array of businesses and affiliate organisations

Opportunities for shaping national policy through advocacy on pertinent issues

change PLOTT seeks to submit official positions on issues and matters of national importance

Free posting of Member Corporate Profile across all PLOTT platforms

Instantly increase your net worth by joining the PLOTT network.



Join PLOTT & start enjoying benefits today